Dear God

You are an awesome God. You created the heavens and the earth. You created the world and made life possible to exist. I exist because of You. You created so many wonderful things, but why do I keep on putting myself down in so many ways? Years ago, I declared that it is good toContinue reading “Dear God”

Failures Are Still For Your Glory

If this will bring more glory to Your name, let it be. I trust in You. I mean every word of it. I-trust-in-You. Let me not cry over a trashed candy. Let me not look for spoiled food. Let me not yearn for what is not mine. How good you are in my life? YouContinue reading “Failures Are Still For Your Glory”

Janet's Blog

My Hopes, My Dreams, My Thoughts, My Issues, My Trials, My Experiences, My Fight, MY PATH TO GOD'S PROMISES


BlackInkedPen-that is my pen name for so long. My name is David Pacson. I joined this site to share thoughts and life through music and literary pieces. I hope you enjoy them. Nice meeting you. :)


This site is all about ideas

Women: Each One A Survivor

Enjoying Every Moment

The Middlest Sister

There are 5 sisters. She's the middlest.

Literature and Libation

Through it all, your spirit's alive

Live to Write - Write to Live

We live to write and write to live ... professional writers talk about the craft and business of writing


Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Psalm 139:14


She flies with her own wings - she teaches, she reads, she climbs, and she writes. She's having the great time of her life.

The Abuse Expose' with Secret Angel

A blog reaching out to victims of abuse and others in need, providing insight about abuse, hope for the future, and guidance to see THE LIGHT that lead Secret Angel out of the darkness of her own abusive situation and helped her to not only survive but to overcome.

The Third's Tale

Well, sometimes.